
Post at 2023-03-19 11:33 (almost 2 years) in Music

Anime OP-ED\DMC - SATSUGAI (Short Version).mp3 3.4MB
Anime OP-ED\Souichi Negishi - Amai Koibito (Short Version).mp3 3.9MB
Anime OP-ED\Souichi Negishi - Amai Koibito.mp3 4.2MB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - DeathPenis.mp3 838.0KB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - Demon King.mp3 2.9MB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - Fuckingham.mp3 894.0KB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - GROTESQUE.mp3 2.0MB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - Mad Monster (Intro).mp3 706.0KB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - Mad Monster.mp3 2.6MB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - My Hatred Will Flow Unto You.mp3 1.1MB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - SATSUGAI.mp3 1.7MB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - Sally My Love.mp3 2.8MB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - Thrash Killer.mp3 2.3MB
Detroit Metal City - Anime OST\Detroit Metal City - Walk Home.mp3 3.5MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\01. BEAT CRUSADERS - HIT IN THE DMC.mp3 3.3MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\02. Kimura Kaela - Riruha Riruha ~Steel Combo Bot (Inazuma Mark) Mix~ Remixed by FOE.mp3 9.5MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\03 0718 Ani-Solo (TUCKER Public Execution Mix).mp3 4.7MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\04. Midori - Romantic Summer Mode (Shame-Metal DT Mix).mp3 3.2MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\05. YUKI - JOY -METAL JOY REMIX-.mp3 6.2MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\06. monobright - WARP (Walking Metal Mix for DMC).mp3 6.1MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\07. Tommy february6 - je t'aime, je t'aime for DMC.mp3 4.7MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\08. MUCC - Flight Best Hold It Ver.mp3 5.1MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\09. King Ghidora - Heisei Restoration (Going to Hell Remix Metal Ver.).mp3 5.5MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\10. Electric Eel-Shock - Crossing to America ULTRAMETAL.mp3 3.3MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\11. ANA - SHIFT GI-MIX.mp3 5.2MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\12. WAGDUG FUTURISTIC UNITY - IMGN x LOUD(x MOTOR)(COM.A remix).mp3 6.9MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\13. Kahimi Karie - Le cheval blanc (remix for DMC).mp3 7.2MB
Detroit Metal City - Tribute to Krauser II\Cover & Insert.jpg 48.4KB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\01 SATSUGAI.mp3 7.9MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\02 スラッシュキラー.mp3 6.1MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\03 グロテスク.mp3 7.9MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\04 メス豚交響曲.mp3 14.5MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\05 デスペニス.mp3 9.0MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\06 あの娘をレイプ.mp3 4.5MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\07 マッド・モンスター.mp3 6.3MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\08 恨みはらさでおくべきか.mp3 7.6MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\09 魔王.mp3 13.1MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\10 ファッキンガム宮殿.mp3 7.7MB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\cover.JPG 180.0KB
Detroit Metal City - 魔界遊戯 ~for the movie~\desktop.ini 43B
lyrics.htm 16.6KB

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Extras.rar - http://rapidstone.com/5l8e/Extras.ra = tras.rar