Alternative Titles Japanese: ギルティクラウン Synopsis The story takes place in Tokyo in 2039. After the outbreak of the unidentified virus \"Lost Christmas\" in 2029, Japan has been under the control of a multinational organization called GHQ. Ouma Shu is a 17-year-old boy who has a psychic power in his right hand. He can use the power \"Ability of King\" to extract tools or weapons from his friends. He has been avoiding making trouble for others but his life changes when he meets a girl named Yuzu...

Alternative Titles Japanese: ちはやふる Synopsis Chihaya is a lighthearted tomboy, who's not especially good at anything in particular. Her dream has always been for her sister (an aspiring model) to become the number one beauty of Japan, or perhaps of the world. But then one day she meets someone who tells her that a dream is something that should concern only herself - and something she has to work hard for as well. At the same time, Chihaya discovers a passion for the old Japanese game hyakun...

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