Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization, such as \"CCS\". Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Especially be care for any messages from \"CCS\". Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. ケロロ軍曹 第333話 「桃華 星空の気持ち(/ケロロ 福毛ちゃん)」 (TX).ts

[アニメ] 神様ドォルズ 第12話 (TX MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 2550.4MB

[アニメ] TIGER & BUNNY 第11話 (BS11 MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 4232.7MB

[Local-Raws] Manyuu Hiken-chou #11 (1280x720 x264 AAC AT-X).mp4 290.2MB

[Sedra] BLEACH - 340 Raw [1280x720 h264+AAC D-TX].mp4 346.5MB

(2011Q1) べるぜバブ - 第35話 【 試合開始の時間です 】 NTV 1280x720 x264.mp4 304.2MB

[Sedra] One Piece - 516 Raw [1280x720 h264+AAC D-CX].mp4 372.6MB

(2011Q4) 侵略!?イカ娘 ext.02 ED - 君を知ること/イカ娘(金元寿子) (第01話より) TX 1280x720 x264.mp4 15.6MB

[ohys] Shinryaku!? Ika Musume - 01 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 291.0MB

Ah! My Goddess OAD 02(99.8MB) .mov 99.9MB

[Local-Raws] Gin Tama #227 (1280x720 x264 AAC TVh).mp4 369.7MB

[アニメ] 花咲くいろは 第09話 (TVS MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 2377.3MB

Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization, such as \"CCS\". Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Especially be care for any messages from \"CCS\". Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. 201109271555_「妖怪人間ベム」ドラマ化記念原作アニメ傑作選③ _日本テレビ.ts

(2011Q4) 侵略!?イカ娘 ext.01 OP - HIGH POWERED/スフィア (第01話より) TX 1280x720 x264.mp4 33.1MB

[アニメ] 花咲くいろは 第07話 (TVS MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 2350.6MB