[한샛-Raws] C3 - 01 (D-TVK 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 338.3MB

[Local-Raws] Gin Tama #228 (1280x720 x264 AAC TVh).mp4 366.5MB

[Zero-Raws] Gintama - 228 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv 470.2MB

(2011Q3) バカとテストと召喚獣にっ! 第13話 「バカとテストと召喚獣っ!」(終)(TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 467.7MB

(2011Q4) C3 -シーキューブ 第01話 「団に移るものを知らない」(MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 325.0MB

[한샛-Raws] Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon - 01 (D-TVK 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 433.1MB

[アニメ] ロウきゅーぶ! 第12話 (TVS MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 2329.7MB

Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization. Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. 銀魂(2) 第228話 「愛にプラスもマイナスもなし」 (TX).ts

. (DVDISO)(アニメ) 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 6 おしまい【完全生産限定版】[2011.09.21][iso+mds+L](rr3%).part1.rar 1907.3MB (DVDISO)(アニメ) 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 6 おしまい【完全生産限定版】[2011.09.21][iso+mds+L](rr3%).part2.rar 1804.7MB

[Local-Raws] Baby Princess 2D Paradise 0 (1280x720 x264 AAC AT-X).mp4 571.8MB

. Rou Kyuu Bu! E01 1080p BDRip x264 FLAC - Nainrori.mkv 742.9MB Rou Kyuu Bu! E02 1080p BDRip x264 FLAC - Nainrori.mkv 601.0MB Rou Kyuu Bu! Music Clip 1080p BDRip x264 FLAC - Nainrori.mkv 53.1MB Rou Kyuu Bu! NCED 1080p BDRip x264 FLAC - Nainrori.mkv 57.4MB Rou Kyuu Bu! NCOP 1080p BDRip x264 FLAC - Nainrori.mkv 88.8MB

[DVDISO][110930] 快盗天使ツインエンジェル キュンキュン☆ときめきパラダイス ! ! VOL.1 R版 (iso+mds) rr3%.rar 3474.5MB

Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization. Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. 201110031555_「妖怪人間ベム」ドラマ化記念原作アニメ傑作選⑤ _日本テレビ.ts

[DVDISO][110928] 神のみぞ知るセカイII ROUTE 3.0 R版 (iso+mds) rr3%.rar 2211.3MB

(2011Q3) ダンタリアンの書架 第12話 「まだ見ぬ明日の詩」(終)(TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 339.8MB