[Zero-Raws] Cross Fight B-Daman - 01 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 246.0MB

[DVDISO]くるねこ<新>2.rar 2104.3MB

[アニメ] THE IDOLM@STER 第15話 (TBS MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 2428.4MB

マケン姫っ! 第02話 「女の子はすごいんです」 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 24fps AAC).mp4 241.8MB

[FLR Raws] Guilty Crown - 01 (CX 1280x720 h264 AAC Chap)(Hi10p).mp4 348.8MB

[FLR Raws] Phi Brain Kami no Puzzle - 02 (NHK-E 1280x720 h264 AAC Chap)(Hi10p).mp4 265.4MB

[アニメ] 花咲くいろは 第06話 (TVS MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 2404.5MB

[한샛-Raws] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai - 02 (D-TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC rev).mp4 325.9MB

[한샛-Raws] Shakugan no Shana III - 02 (D-MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 315.0MB

[Raws-4U] 灼眼のシャナⅢ-FINAL- 第02話 「来たるべきもの」 (MX 1280x720 x264).mp4 369.8MB

[アニメ] 機動戦士ガンダムAGE 第01話 (TBS MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 2742.5MB

[한샛-Raws] Last Exile - Ginyoku no Fam - 01 (D-TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 402.3MB

[Zero-Raws] Last Exile Ginyoku no Fam - 01 (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 447.6MB

Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization. Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. ラストエグザイル-銀翼のファム- 第01話 「Open file」 (TBS).ts

[アニメ] 君と僕。 第02話 (TX MPEG2-TS 1440x1080).ts 2192.1MB