[Raws-4U] ポヨポヨ観察日記 第01話 「その猫マルにつき」(TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 23.7MB

[アニメ BD] クイーンズブレイド 流浪の戦士 1巻映像特典 CMクリップ集 (1920x1080 x264 AAC)rev1.mp4 81.8MB

Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization. Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. 妖狐×僕SS 第02話 「淋しがり屋の犬」 (TBS).ts

Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization. Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. MAJOR 2nd season 第15話 「ピッチャーの条件」 (BSP).ts

[한샛-Raws] Shakugan no Shana III #15 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 360.9MB

Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization. Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. 彩雲国物語 第2シリーズ 第08話 「人事を尽くして天命を待つ」 (BSP).ts

[Zero-Raws] Area No Kishi - 03 (EX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 353.6MB

[한샛-Raws] Amagami SS+ #03 (D-TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 221.6MB

[アニメ] LASTEXILE ラストエグザイル‐銀翼のファム‐ 第05話 「Touch and move」(SUNTV x264 AAC 1280x720).mp4 176.0MB

[한샛-Raws] Last Exile - Ginyoku no Fam #14 (D-TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 360.1MB

Note: There are no donation activities holding by us. And we are NOT a part of ANY organization. Please be caution of the swindles in name of donation. Our limited ability allows us recording certain animations that we choose only. So we can not satisfy all the demands. Thank you for your understanding. エリアの騎士 第03話 「兄の鼓動」 (EX).ts

. Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II - 03(x264-10bit).mkv 684.4MB

[アニメ] たまゆら ~hitotose~ 第05話 「ちひろちゃんがきてくれたよ!なので」 (SUNTV x264 AAC 1280x720).mp4 161.9MB

[Zero-Raws] High School DxD - 03 (ATX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 355.9MB

[Zero-Raws] Last Exile Ginyoku no Fam - 14 (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 388.7MB